
1) народ, нация; племя
2) люди; население, жители

to appeal to the people — обращаться к народу

to break people — сломить моральный дух гражданского населения

to bring people freedom — освобождать народы; приносить свободу народам

to bring people out onto the streets — вызывать стихийные демонстрации

to carry the people with one — убеждать народ в своей правоте

to challenge the peoples — бросать вызов народам

to consult the people — советоваться с народом

to eliminate the people — уничтожать народ

to exploit peoples — эксплуатировать народы

to express the will of the people — выражать волю народа

to exterminate the people — уничтожать народ

to go against the people — идти против народа

to inflict hurt on people — наносить обиду народу

to lead people — руководить людьми / народом

to leave people homeless — лишать людей крова

to liberate the peoples — освобождать народы

to lose touch with the people — утрачивать связь с народом

to meet the growing needs of the people — удовлетворять растущие потребности народа

to mix with ordinary people — общаться с рядовыми гражданами

to protest about at the plight of the people — протестовать против тяжелого положения народа

to put people first — ставить превыше всего интересы народа

to raise the people to rebellion — поднимать народ на восстание

to rally the broad sections of the people — сплачивать широкие слои народа

to reflect the aspirations of peoples — отражать чаяния народов

to rule the minds of the people — завладевать умами людей

to save the people from complete extermination — спасать народ от полного уничтожения

to serve the people — служить народу

to subjugate the people — покорять народ

to submit to the will of the people — подчиняться воле народа

to take an issue directly to the people — обращаться по какому-л. вопросу непосредственно к народу

to turn one's back on one's people — повернуться спиной к своему народу

to unite peoples — объединять народы

to wipe out whole strata of the people — уничтожать целые слои населения

to write off people — не обращать внимания на нужды народа

- Arab peoples
- backward peoples
- border people
- common people
- country people
- dependent peoples
- disabled people
- displaced people
- distinguished people
- enslaved peoples
- exodus of people on ethic grounds
- for the benefit of the people
- fraternal peoples
- freedom-loving people
- heroic people
- indigenous people
- jobless people
- lagging peoples
- long-suffering people
- low-income people
- national security people
- oppressed peoples
- peace-loving people
- people eligible to vote
- people from all walks of life
- people hungry for power
- people in the middle
- people in work
- people of a special mould
- people of divergent views
- people of good will
- people of voting age
- people on the left
- people on the right
- people out of work
- people regarded as security risks
- personnel people
- plain-clothes security people
- plight of the people
- poverty-stricken people
- professional people
- progressive-minded people
- rebellious people
- segment of the people
- sitting on the fence people
- socially deprived people
- sovereign peoples
- strata of the people
- tainted people
- trained people
- tribal people
- working people
- young people

Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "people" в других словарях:

  • People — Peo ple, n. [OE. peple, people, OF. pueple, F. peuple, fr. L. populus. Cf. {Populage}, {Public}, {Pueblo}.] 1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • People — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda People es una revista estadounidense de carácter semanal, que trata acerca de las celebridades e historias de interés general, publicada por Time Inc. En 2006, tenía una tirada de 3.750.000 ejemplares e ingresos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • People — Специализация: Знаменитости Периодичность …   Википедия

  • people — [ pipɶl ] adj. inv. et n. m. inv. • 1988; mot angl., de people journalism, genre journalistique ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Presse, magazine people, qui traite des vedettes, des personnalités (notamment de leur vie privée). 2 ♦ N. m. inv. Célébrité recherchée… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • People (EP) — People Extended Play von Animal Collective Veröffentlichung 23. Oktober 2006 (Australien) 22. Januar 2007 (UK) 23. Januar 2007 (US) Aufnahme 2005 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • people — [pē′pəl] n. pl. peoples [ME peple < Anglo Fr poeple, people < OFr pople < L populus, nation, crowd < ?] 1. a) all the persons of a racial, national, religious, or linguistic group; nation, race, etc. [the peoples of the world] b) a… …   English World dictionary

  • People — (von engl. people „Volk“, „Leute“) ist eine wöchentlich erscheinende US amerikanische Zeitschrift. Das Magazin wurde von Time Warner als Auslagerung der People Seite im Time Magazine herausgebracht und erscheint seit 1974. Die Zeitschrift… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • People — also People Magazine trademark a US magazine that contains short articles and pictures of famous people, especially people who appear on television and in films or sports people People 2 People, The trademark a British ↑tabloid newspaper sold… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • people — I noun citizenry, commonality, community, community at large, country, cultures, general public, humanity, inhabitants, multitude, nation, national group, nationality, persons, populace, population, race, society, state II index community, family …   Law dictionary

  • people — late 13c., humans, persons in general, from Anglo Fr. people, O.Fr. peupel, from L. populus people, of unknown origin, possibly from Etruscan. Replaced native FOLK (Cf. folk). Meaning body of persons comprising a community first recorded late 13c …   Etymology dictionary

  • people — people, persons Both words have been in use for several centuries to denote the plural of person, the difference usually being explained in terms of people referring to a group of which the exact number cannot be determined or is irrelevant and… …   Modern English usage

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